Monday, March 17, 2014

Grace - Jeff Buckley and the timeless music

Sometimes when I am talking with my friends they ask me for what new music I am listening, but I listen to a lot of past decades albums, so I dont know how to answer most of the times. So I say "well there is this album that I recently found, although is not new". One of this albums that I am listening right now is Grace by Jeff Buckley,  I found it a few years ago and it is totally new to me because I did not listen when it was released back in 1994, and in that respect, this is the best new (at least for me) album I have listened in recent years.

Jeff Buckley released Grace in 1994 and it become instantly a classic due to the great voice of Buckley and the innovative sound. It did not sell well but the critics recognized it like one of the most brilliant music pieces of the generation and envisioned a great success for Buckley´s career, success that never was because of his tragic death in 1997. 

This album is one of those in which every track is worth listening, you can pick randomly and fell the overall goodness of Buckley´s voice and general arrangements, but what I found great about the songs is the  effort in the composition that you can perceive. This are not simple boring radio hits mixed together, each song try different things and sounds, different beats in the same song that that invite to listen it again to discover new sensations, and in the same way is an album that anybody can listen no matter their musical tastes, is extremely well balanced. I recommend a couple of song that exemplify this:

Mojo Pin

So real

I hope that this songs encourage you to listen the entire album because it deserve it. Again thanks for read this and feel free to write commentaries.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Hello everybody, this is my first post and it will serve as an introduction to the blog. I will use this page to post some text I am going to create to practice my English writing. The themes will vary from time to time, but it will cover topics like music, movies, cartoons, design, illustrations and whatever I found that I like and want to share with others.
As the main purpose of this blog is to practice my writing I encourage whoever read this text to post in the comments section errors that you find in spelling or grammar, everything that can help me improve. I will use an online translator for some words unknown to me, but I will try to put the text here with no preparation so I am pretty sure it will contain tons of mistakes.  Feel free to comment on the subjects too wherever you find it informative or not, I will try to keep them interesting, if not from my writing at least from the subject it self, because, why will you comment if the subject is boring?
Thanks for reading this and I hope to see you around here again.